Shari Hatt
Opening preview 30/03/2012 6.30-8.30pm
Opening Times
Thursday-Sunday 12.00-18.00pm
new site address:
373 Kennington Road, London SE11 4PS
Exhibition previewing new site.
This exhibition by Canadian artist, Shari Hatt features the photographic series Clown Portraits (2006) and adjunct video I just want to be taken seriously as an artist (2007). Also presented is Hatt’s latest video in The Studio Visit (2011) and corresponding watercolour series Disappointing Paintings (2011). In these works Hatt uses humour and ‘clowning around’ to draw the viewer into the process of their reception. As the jokes fall flat, and they often do in Hatt’s work, the viewer is put into an uncomfortable place in which one is confronted with one’s own expectations and the work’s unwillingness to comply