Curated by MyPeople
Opening: 31 August 2012 18.30-20.30.
Space Station Sixty-Five are pleased to host the London exhibition for the My People Project.
MyPeople Project explores the subject of networking and suggests a
new approach to developing a network for an intercultural dialogue and
exchange between artists from different cities. The process will result
in exhibitions in London, Amsterdam and Shanghai, which will present
work from twelve mid-career artists, while promoting this groundbreaking
networking model with an open dialogue, and exchange of ideas,
knowledge, skills and cultural experiences between both artists and
audiences, locally and internationally. An online and offline combined
platform will be used for the interactions between artists and audience.
The aim is to provide artists with a platform for extending their
networks and learning to work with different cultures and mentalities
through direct interaction with other artists, galleries, workshops,
various art professionals and audiences in Shanghai, London and
Throughout Solar Plexus there will be a selection of talks and events at the ICA, Beaconsfield and venues across London.
For information on the program of events to coincide with the exhibition please visit