Curated by Minna Haukka and Arto Korhonen
Northern Souls presents a wide array of Finnish contemporary artists who focus on minorities and minority experience. These artists dwell on northernness, traversing the mental landscapes of the northern soul. Simultaneously, their works mirror how the polyphony of voices within these communities as well as attitudes towards them, have changed throughout time.
Participating artists include Annika Dahlsten & Markku Laakso, Minna Haukka, Marja Helander, Jenni Hiltunen, Dzamil Kamanger & Kalle Hamm, Arto Korhonen, Jouni Kujansuu, Jaakko Pesonen, Outi Pieski, Anne Siirtola, Maarit Suomi-Väänänen and Minna Suoniemi.
For full Press Release, click here
As part of Northern Souls, the exhibition at Space Station Sixty-Five, the acclaimed John- Eleanor an adult puppet theatre production from Finland comes to London for the first time.
The story of John – Eleanor challenges the norms and ideals of gender, sexuality and Middle Ages, combining perspectives and methods of medieval studies and puppet theatre.
London court records reveal the story of John Rykener who was caught engaged in a sexual act with another man in exchange for money, and dressed as a woman. During the hearings Rykener, who as a woman used the name Eleanor, testified to a life story of heroic acts on the alleys, and in the taverns and bedrooms of medieval England.
Who and what was John/Eleanor in the eyes of his contemporaries?
And did Rykener have a place in the contemporary medieval culture?
John – Eleanor is a story that exposes a different perspective on the medieval times, an era which today is commonly perceived as having been morally strict and repressive. The many questions and turns of events, as well as the laughter and the sadness, in the story of John – Eleanor have been realized by means of puppet theatre, puppetry itself carrying a long tradition all the way from the medieval times to the present.
Performances: 28th & 29th March
Doors open 18.00 for refreshments
Show begins: 19.00
Running time: 75 mins (approx)
Tickets: 6 / 5 (adult/concession)
To book tickets please visit Eventbrite here
Text: Timo Vantsi, Tom Linkinen
Direction: Merja Poyhonen
Performers: Timo Vantsi, Tom Linkinen
Lighting: Timo Ollila, Saija Nojonen
Costume design: Pia Kalenius
Puppets: Timo Vantsi
Production: Tehdas Teatteri, Hox Company
John – Eleanor is a co-production by the HOX Company and the TEHDAS Theatre. It is also part of the Turku European Capital of Culture 2011 official program and is based on actual medieval records.
HOX Company is an independent puppet Theater founded by Terhi Tuulia Lintukangas and Timo Vantsi in 2008. Their co-operation began in the Turku Arts Academy puppetry department. HOX Company specialises in showcasing new scripts with an adult theme and is a proud member of the Puppet Studio- association.
Past productions include:
The High Society Kings
(2008) directed by Terhi Tuulia Lintukangas. An imaginary sequel to the story of Henry, the best friend of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde. John – Eleanor and UKI – NYKI (2011), a story about two women, two Helens, and two cities, Uusikaupunki and New York.