Opening night: 16 Sep 1700-21-00. All Welcome.
Exhibition: 17th September – 08th October 2022
Opening hours 1200–1800 Wednesday – Saturdays.
Not open Sun, Mon and Tuesdays.
Exhibition Free.
Accessible Access
Presented as part of Fringe! Queer Film & Arts Fest

Curated by Andrew Ellerby.
Andrew says:
QUEER ART(ists) NOW returns for it’s 4th edition – in a new venue – the beautiful Space Station Sixty-Five, and in bed with our new partner, Fringe! Queer Film & Arts Fest. Rebirthed for the first time since 2020 (thanks international pandemic) we were HUNGRIER THAN EVER… And, it turns out you were too! With over 300 applications from artists and makers, totaling well over 1,000 pieces of work, QUEER ART(ists) NOW 22 is back: bigger, bolder, and bursting at the seams. We are PROUD to say this year’s applications came from all corners of the UK, from people of diverse and intersectional backgrounds and from studios to bedrooms and collectives. We were overwhelmed and wonderfully so.
With the help of our small but perfectly formed selection panel including (me) lead curator Andrew Ellerby, artist Liberty Antonia Sadler and curator Tara Brown, 70 artists were selected to exhibit their work. From painting to performance and craft to moving image, you gave us it, in abundance, and we lapped it up. Alongside this cornucopia of talent, we also commissioned 5 artists from our QUEER ART(ists) NOW family, inviting them back with a small bursary to make work especially for the exhibition. So keep your eyes peeled for those extra tasty morsels.
Finally, there is no theme to QUEER ART(ists) NOW. The exhibition is as eclectic as the submissions we receive, our aim is to celebrate QUEER excellence and make space for the artistic voices of our community. So you might feel JOY, feel POLITICAL, or feel SEXY. There is no correct way to read or understand the exhibition as a whole, just consume it! Open wide! Take a big bite!